DIPLAST SWR ISI Marked Pipes are available in both Ring Fit and Self-Fit types, offered in two distinct pipe classes: Type A and Type B. Type A Pipes are ideal for use in ventilation and rainwater applications, whereas Type B Pipes are specifically designed for soil and waste discharge applications. These pipes are available in a wide range of sizes and lengths, with options for both single and double socket fittings. Ring Fit Pipes are socketed using an advanced automatic online socketing machine, ensuring precise accuracy. The socket is designed with an internal groove that holds a rubber ring, which forms a watertight joint and allows for thermal expansion and contraction. One end of the pipe is plain, while the other is self-socketed with an integral groove that securely holds the rubber gasket. When the pipes are connected with the rubber ring, the joint is not only watertight but also capable of accommodating thermal expansion and contraction, ensuring a durable and reliable connection.

Nominal Diameter Mean Outside Diameter Type A Wall Thickness Type B Wall Thickness
Min Max Min Max Min Max
70 75.0 75.3 1.8 2.2 3.2 3.8
90 90.0 90.3 1.9 2.3 3.2 3.8
110 110.0 110.3 2.2 2.7 3.2 3.8

All dimension are in mm and are same for ring fit and selfit Pipes. Only socket geometry is different