SWR Fittings

SWR Fittings

DIPLAST SWR fitting are available in both grooved ring and pasting type in full range starting from 75 mm to 110 mm and are fully compatible with DIPLAST SWR Pipes.

UPVC SWR Conventional System for soil waste & Rain Water

Testing Requirements:

DIPLAST SWR uPVC Pipes & Fittings are subject to strict and continuous control on raw materials , Production, dimensions & identification. The rigorous testing and quality control throughout the entire process ensures that DIPLAST SWR system is highly reliable and effective in working.

Pipes are subject to tests like:

  • Tensile strength
  • Impact strength
  • Reversion
  • Stress relief test
  • Vicat softening temp test
  • Water tightness of joint
  • Exposure to sunlight
  • Resistance to H2S04
  • Axial Shrinkage

These acceptance criteria for test results obtained are as per widely accepted international and national standards.

Thermal expansion and contraction:

Diplast SWR piping system will undergo thermal expansion and contraction like any other thermoplastic materials. The thermal expansion & contraction depends on the co-effcient of thermal expansion(5.4 x 10-0mm/-°C for PVC), Length of piping and temperature difference encountered by the piping. Normally for drainage & sewerage system temperature difference of atmosphere will effect more to thermal movements of piping rather than effluent temperature as full bore discharge are normally not happened for prolong time and also these discharges are periodic in nature.

For solvent cement weld systems change in direction, offset or expansion loops are recommended while for ring fit joining systems specially designed rubber rings and proper joining of pipes and fittings will take care of length change.